Yield Income And Livelihood In Indian Farming: Conflict And Compliances

Sankar Kr Acharya, Monirul Haque, Debashis Mazumder

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  • ISBN: AST006744

  • No. of Pages: 165

  • Imprint: Scholars World

  • Publisher: Scholars World

  • Year: 2024

  • Biblio: viii+157p., tbls., figs., ind., 25cm

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'The sociology of Agriculture has now built up a strong kinship with ecology of agriculture; and in between there have been income, productivity and livelihood for myriad of farmers with ecology of agriculture with marginal land and fragile income. It is nearly difficult to drive the apparently conflicting issues of income, ecology, productivity and livelihood to form an organic orchestration of what we call sustainable agriculture. The present book entitled Yield, Income and Livelihood in Indian Farming: Conflicts and Compliances has delved deeper into this intricacies of inherent conflict and conciliations of these three fulcrums of Indian Farming. It has been examined that whether with a positive change in income in farming, a positive growth in livelihood generations has been followed. While examining yield behavior, it is also an imperative that both the issues of income and Read more

Table of Contents

Preface v 1. Introduction 1 2. Concepts and Theory 5 Theoretical Orientation 5 Defining Farmer, Farm and Farming System 5 Importance of Rice for Human Life 6 Calorie content 7 Current Scenario of Rice Farming in the World 7 Global Rice Production and Consumption 8 Resource Harvesting from the Pond: Hook and Line, Lula and Coastal Harvest 9 Linking Livelihoods and Poverty 10 Social Ecology of Hunger, Poverty and Livelihood in Indian Agriculture 10 Non-farm Sector as Part of the Development Strategy 11 Linking Food Systems to the Jobs Agenda 11 Skill Enhancement and Investment in Human Capital 12 Quality of Non-farm Sector 13 The Binary of Farm and off Farm Economy 13 Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods 15 Current Levels of Poverty and Deprivation 15 Basic Issues in Sustainability 16 Issues of sustainability in Agriculture in India 17 3. Literature Citation 25 Here are Some Read more

About the Author/Editor

Prof. (Dr.) Sankar Kr. Acharya, presently, Dean, Post Graduate Studies; former Head, Dept. of Agril Extension and Director, Extension Education, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, WB, born on 6th October, 1960, started his career as Assistant Professor at BCKV in 1988 and has been in teaching, research and extension over 34 years. Research Publication: 243 in National and International Journals. Book Publication: 109 books authored / co-authored. Expert Member, Agriculture Commission; Marketing and Extension Sub Committee, Govt. of West Bengal; Expert member WWF projects in BTR (Buxa Tiger Reserve Project); Expert member; DFID project on Primary Education (DPEP); Rapid Environment Impact Analysis, Visited Italy, France, Germany, China , Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Delivered 31 Key note addresses, 13, invited and lead speakers in International Congress, Chaired 19 Sessions Read more


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