'The soil is the most important constituent to fulfilment of all the basic needs of human beings. Soil is an important component of our farming. An eminent position in global cultivation of wheat, rice, jawar, pulses, sugarcane, vegetables and fruits etc. is occupied by Indian agriculture and reason of physical, chemical condition of whatever land is indispensable for proper implementation of the other management practices. Thus the physico-chemical study of territory is very significant because both physical and chemical properties which bear upon the soil productivity. This, physico-chemical study of soil is based on various parameters like pH, electrical conductivity, texture, moisture, temperature, soil organic matter, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This knowledge will help to the people who are interested to work in agricultural field. Soil is one of the most important ecological factors containing a large number of different kinds of bacteria, plants and animals that compose inter-related biological complex. As a complex physical and biological system, it provides nutrients and oxygen for the organisms. The major physical and chemical features of soil are related to particle size, distribution, types of clay colloids, cation and anion exchange capacity, oxidation and reduction potential, soil reaction, electrical conductivity and nutrient dynamics. A healthy and judicious reduction condition should be maintained at the bottom to facilitate the optimum availability of nutrients as well as prevention of any unhealthy situation. Thus, soil plays an important role in fertility of fish life and water body. The physico-chemical parameters of water like temperature, pH, electric conductivity, total alkalinity, carbonates, bicarbonates, calcium, magnesium, hardness, chlorides, sulphates, nutrients like nitrates and phosphates, turbidity and total dissolved solids are important to know the trophic nature of the water body. Water bodies are generally of three types oligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic. Usually mesotrophic water bodies are highly productive in nature.' Read more
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement........................................................................................... v
Abbreviations................................................................................................. ix
List of Tables.................................................................................................. xi
List of Figures.............................................................................................. xiii
1. Introduction.................................................................................................. 1
2. Review of Literature.................................................................................... 5
3. Materials and Methods............................................................................. 17
4. Results and Discussion............................................................................. 34
5. Summary and Conclusion........................................................................ 57
Bibilography................................................................................................. 61
Appendices.................................................................................................... 67
Index............................................................................................................ 79 Read more
About the Author/Editor
Ms. Pappu Srinidhi was born in Madanapalle a town in Chittoor district which falls under state of Andhra Pradesh, India. Pappu Srinidhi obtained her Bachelor's degree in Agricultural science
(B.Sc Agriculture) from Rai Technology University, Doddaballpura, Karnataka. She completed her
post-graduation in Soil Science Soil and Water Conservation from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. In her Post-graduation she worked on Study of Physico-chemical Parameters of Soil and Water in Madanapalle block of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh under the guidance of Dr Y.V. Singh Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University-Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Under his guidance she published 2 research papers in international journals. Pappu Srinidhi is currently Business Executive for RKVY-RAFTAAR project ANGRAU Poshan Incubator, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tirupati Andhra Pradesh, India.
Dr. Y.V. Singh originally belong to the village Sujanpur, 32 km away from district head quarter of Agra, which falls under the state Uttar Pradesh. Dr Y.V. Singh graduated from R.B.S. College Bichpuri, Agra of Agra University Agra, (presently, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, University, Agra), also obtained his post graduate and Ph.D. degree in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry discipline from the same campus. Dr. Y.V Singh started his professional carrier in the year 1996 and served various capacities in national and international projects up to 2006 at CSSRI Karnal, PDCSR, Meerut and IISS, Bhopal. Subsequent he joined the Department of SSAC, IAS, BHU in Nov, 2006 as a Assistant Professor and elevated to Associate Professor (Stege-4). He has been engaged in teaching, research and extension activities for more than 25 years. His field of specialization is Soil Fertility/STCR Correlation. He have received 19 awards of best paper presentation award, Excellence of teaching, best young scientist and excellence research appreciation from various organizations MRFSW Varanasi and VIF Chennai, SAID, Ranchi and PC, STCR, IISS, Bhopal. Presently, he is handling 2 research projects sponsored by CST, U.P. and STCR (AICRP) New Delhi as PI. Dr. Singh has successfully executed externally funded research projects: 3 as PI and 9 as Co-PI with active involvement in teaching of UG and PG students. He has guided 32 M.Sc. & 3 Ph.D. students. He has 220 publications including 90 peer reviewed research paper in reputed Indian and International Journals, 177 publications including 80 pear reviewed research paper (4 in Journal of Agrochimica, Field crop research and Soil Science Society of American) in reputed national and international journals, 40 popular articles, 16 full paper inÂÂ conference proceeding, 09 technical bulletin. Dr. Singh is currently Associate Professor (Stage-4 ), Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi
( UP ), India. Read more