Conservation Agriculture: Approach And Application

Sankar Kr Acharya, Sreemoyee Bera, Cornea Saha, Prabhat Kumar, Monirul Haque, Riti Chatterjee, Anwesha Mandal

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Price : 80
  • ISBN: AST005892

  • No. of Pages: 292

  • Imprint: Scholars World

  • Publisher: Scholars World

  • Year: 2023

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'Indian Agriculture is on cross road, the glory of green revolution is being mantled with smoke of pollution, depletion and erosion. It is undeniable that the green revolution of India has saved the nation from famines and disgrace, yet, the impact of green revolution has not been unmixed with a grand dividend only. The soil and water are increasingly contaminated with chemical and toxic materials detrimental to health and ecology, making investments of small and poor farmers non-remunerative, and, consequently, rural livelihoods are migrating from farm to non-farm economies at an exponential pace. Conservation agriculture across the globe is gaining much grounds and gravity due to its eco-friendly approaches. Minimum disruption of soil, permanent soil cover and crop diversification are the basics of conservation agriculture to make it adaptable and inevitable approaches to save Read more

Table of Contents

Preface v The Authors ix Part-I: Managing, Monitoring and Analyzing Agro-ecological Services: Conservation and Stewardship Approaches of the Farmers 1. Introduction 3 Rationale of the study Objectives of the Study Limitations of the Study 2. Theoretical Orientation 6 2.1. Conceptual Framework 2.2. A Framework for Understanding Change: Conservation and Stewardship 2.3. The 10 Elements of Agroecology 2.4. Ecological Resilience and Conservation Agriculture 2.5. Ecosystem Services and Conservation Agriculture 2.6. The Relationship Between Resilience and the Provision of Ecosystem Services 2.7. Soil conservation and Conservation Agriculture 2.8. Water Conservation and Conservation Agriculture 2.9. Biodiversity Conservation and Conservation Agriculture 2.10. Barriers to Conservation Agriculture - 2.11. Challenges in Conservation Agriculture 2.12. Stewardship, Ecology and Conservation Read more

About the Author/Editor

Prof. (Dr.) Sankar Kr Acharya, former Head, Dept. of Agricultural Extension and Director, Extension Education, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, WB, born on 6th October, 1960, started his career as Assistant Professor at BCKV in 1988 and has been in teaching, research and extension over 30 years. An erudite teacher as well as an elegant speaker, Prof. Acharya has also been the topper and awarded the certificate of merit in his M. Sc. (Ag) academic career in Agricultural Extension. He is internationally acclaimed for his unique research domain of Social Entropy and Energy Metabolism, Social Ecology and Environmental Sociology, Enterprise Ecology Framework, Farm Stewardships: The Transition from Conservation, Technology Socialization Process, and The Social Ecology of Livelihood, which have got tremendous policy as well as scholastic importance. Research Publication:221 Read more


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